Problems with Astade installation: error 2
2011-11-21 12:21:42 UTC

Ich mache die Beschreibung in Englisch, vielleicht haben andere Àhnliche
Probleme... ;).

I did the installation and I got the report "error 2:.....) when trying
the hello world example.

What did I do ?
1. I installed according to the instructions from the Astade installation

2. I did the suggested tests as well (manually I can compile the
hello-world example-> OK, make is echoed -> OK).

3. After installing "Astade" I tried the simple very first hello example.
When I press "build" I get the following message:

4. this is the zip of the model I created:

What is my PC-setup
OS: Windows
Boot-partition D-drive

Would be great if you can help!

Mit freundlichen GrÌßen/Best regards

Rudolf Gerber
Entwicklung Tachographen Systeme/R&D Tachograph Systems
Commercial Vehicles & Aftermarket

Division Interior
Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 45
78052 Villingen, Germany

Telefon/Phone: +49 7721 67-3044
Telefax: +49 7721 6779-3044
E-Mail: Rudolf.Gerber-OPBwO92Cn/kvVPi28zlXBxLgB6+***@public.gmane.org
Continental Automotive GmbH, Vahrenwalder Strasse 9, D-30165 Hannover
GeschÀftsfÌhrer/Managing Directors: Helmut Matschi, Gérard Cordonnier,
Harald Stuhlmann
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered office: Hannover
Registergericht/Commercial registry: Hannover, HRB 59424, USt-Id. Nr.
Proprietary and confidential. Distribution only by express authority of
Continental AG or its


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Thomas Spitzer
2011-11-21 12:32:44 UTC
Post by Rudolf.Gerber-OPBwO92Cn/kvVPi28zlXBxLgB6+
Ich mache die Beschreibung in Englisch, vielleicht haben andere Àhnl
iche Probleme... ;).
I did the installation and I got the report "error 2:.....) when
trying the hello world example.
What did I do ?
1. I installed according to the instructions from the Astade
2. I did the suggested tests as well (manually I can compile the
hello-world example-> OK, make is echoed -> OK).
3. After installing "Astade" I tried the simple very first hello example.
What is my PC-setup
OS: Windows
Boot-partition D-drive
Would be great if you can help!
Mit freundlichen GrÌßen/Best regards
Rudolf Gerber
Entwicklung Tachographen Systeme/R&D Tachograph Systems
Commercial Vehicles & Aftermarket
Division Interior
Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 45
78052 Villingen, Germany
Telefon/Phone: +49 7721 67-3044
Telefax: +49 7721 6779-3044
Continental Automotive GmbH, Vahrenwalder Strasse 9, D-30165 Hannover
GeschÀftsfÌhrer/Managing Directors: Helmut Matschi, Gérard
Cordonnier, Harald Stuhlmann
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered office: Hannover
Registergericht/Commercial registry: Hannover, HRB 59424, USt-Id.
Nr. DE814950663
Proprietary and confidential. Distribution only by express authority
of Continental AG or its
<Read me - Install.txt>

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Thomas Spitzer
2011-11-21 12:44:40 UTC
There is a configuration missing in preferences->directotys

In this dialog you configure all external programs, Astade uses

In this case, Astade should start an external program called "make".
This must be configured in this dialog.

I don't know, why this is missing, but I bet, it is ;-)


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2011-11-21 12:24:43 UTC
Hallo Hr. Spitzer,

Sie Privat-Email ist ÃŒbrigens: rudolf.gerber-***@public.gmane.org

Mit freundlichen GrÌßen/Best regards

Rudolf Gerber
Entwicklung Tachographen Systeme/R&D Tachograph Systems
Commercial Vehicles & Aftermarket

Division Interior
Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 45
78052 Villingen, Germany

Telefon/Phone: +49 7721 67-3044
Telefax: +49 7721 6779-3044
E-Mail: Rudolf.Gerber-OPBwO92Cn/kvVPi28zlXBxLgB6+***@public.gmane.org
Continental Automotive GmbH, Vahrenwalder Strasse 9, D-30165 Hannover
GeschÀftsfÌhrer/Managing Directors: Helmut Matschi, Gérard Cordonnier,
Harald Stuhlmann
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered office: Hannover
Registergericht/Commercial registry: Hannover, HRB 59424, USt-Id. Nr.
Proprietary and confidential. Distribution only by express authority of
Continental AG or its
----- Forwarded by Rudolf Gerber/usr/cag on 21.11.2011 13:23 -----

From: Rudolf Gerber/usr/cag
To: users-HcrAt6aCZFAWBrYXtHbyV9i2O/***@public.gmane.org
Date: 21.11.2011 13:21
Subject: Problems with Astade installation: error 2


Ich mache die Beschreibung in Englisch, vielleicht haben andere Àhnliche
Probleme... ;).

I did the installation and I got the report "error 2:.....) when trying
the hello world example.

What did I do ?
1. I installed according to the instructions from the Astade installation

[attachment "Read me - Install.txt" deleted by Rudolf Gerber/usr/cag]

2. I did the suggested tests as well (manually I can compile the
hello-world example-> OK, make is echoed -> OK).

3. After installing "Astade" I tried the simple very first hello example.
When I press "build" I get the following message:
[attachment "MakeError.jpg" deleted by Rudolf Gerber/usr/cag]

4. this is the zip of the model I created:
[attachment "Astade.zip" deleted by Rudolf Gerber/usr/cag]

What is my PC-setup
OS: Windows
Boot-partition D-drive

Would be great if you can help!

Mit freundlichen GrÌßen/Best regards

Rudolf Gerber
Entwicklung Tachographen Systeme/R&D Tachograph Systems
Commercial Vehicles & Aftermarket

Division Interior
Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 45
78052 Villingen, Germany

Telefon/Phone: +49 7721 67-3044
Telefax: +49 7721 6779-3044
E-Mail: Rudolf.Gerber-OPBwO92Cn/kvVPi28zlXBxLgB6+***@public.gmane.org
Continental Automotive GmbH, Vahrenwalder Strasse 9, D-30165 Hannover
GeschÀftsfÌhrer/Managing Directors: Helmut Matschi, Gérard Cordonnier,
Harald Stuhlmann
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered office: Hannover
Registergericht/Commercial registry: Hannover, HRB 59424, USt-Id. Nr.
Proprietary and confidential. Distribution only by express authority of
Continental AG or its


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