Regarding Trace2UML
Anders Larsen
2012-04-30 11:26:15 UTC
Hello Prasad,

I took the liberty of moving the discussion to our mailing list and
subscribing you.
I am using Trace2UML to draw MSC for my current academic project. As
it contains thousands of logs I need to refresh after every 20 lines
meaning fresh start(after this object should be located on leftist side)
otherwise it gives me very high horizontal width.
Suggestions are welcome.
Do I get it right - what you are looking for is that Trace2UML should
try to re-use freed coloumns of deleted objects before creating new
objects ever farther to the right?

That sounds like a reasonable feature to me!

@Thomas: What do you think? Is it (easily) doable?



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Jondhale, Prasad
2012-04-30 11:32:00 UTC
Hello Anders,
You have got it right. As my trace are in thousands, I don't want new object to be placed at the rightmost end.
It would be good if I get it to the left.
For Ex. If A calls B calls C calls D calls E........and then everyone returns.
Now suppose AB calls BC I want it to be on first column not on 27th column.
Are you are clear with what I want to tell??
Thanks a lot

-----Original Message-----
From: Anders Larsen [mailto:alarsen-jqHnx1hy4Dsdnm+***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 4:56 PM
To: Jondhale, Prasad
Cc: users-HcrAt6aCZFAWBrYXtHbyV9i2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: Regarding Trace2UML

Hello Prasad,

I took the liberty of moving the discussion to our mailing list and
subscribing you.
I am using Trace2UML to draw MSC for my current academic project. As
it contains thousands of logs I need to refresh after every 20 lines
meaning fresh start(after this object should be located on leftist side)
otherwise it gives me very high horizontal width.
Suggestions are welcome.
Do I get it right - what you are looking for is that Trace2UML should
try to re-use freed coloumns of deleted objects before creating new
objects ever farther to the right?

That sounds like a reasonable feature to me!

@Thomas: What do you think? Is it (easily) doable?



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Thomas Spitzer
2012-05-01 06:52:07 UTC
Post by Anders Larsen
Thomas: What do you think? Is it (easily) doable?
Actually I do not yet get the problem. Trace2UML reserves a lane for every objectname.

So you only get wide pictures, if you use many different names?

@Prasad: could you send a real example? Than we can have a look, how to solve the problem.

Using the same lane for different objects will make the diagram difficult to read, especially when the diagrams become very long.

But if we see the example, the problem will be more clear.



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Jondhale, Prasad
2012-05-01 07:44:08 UTC
Hello Thomas,

As I have already mentioned I have more than 100 functions in my trace log. Now suppose I start constructing MSC with first 10 functions in which function 1 calls 2, 2 calls 3....9 calls 10. After that each one returns to their caller. Now as job of these 10 functions is over, I don't want these functions to hold column space as they are not used at all, I want to delete them and position my 11th function 0n column 1. So basically what I want is fresh start of MSC after certain interval of time.
Attached is real time example(which have comment what I want)

Thanks n Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Spitzer [mailto:t.spitzer-sQvDcPvFtuYByEq3+***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 12:22 PM
To: users-HcrAt6aCZFAWBrYXtHbyV9i2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [usr] Regarding Trace2UML
Post by Anders Larsen
Thomas: What do you think? Is it (easily) doable?
Actually I do not yet get the problem. Trace2UML reserves a lane for every objectname.

So you only get wide pictures, if you use many different names?

@Prasad: could you send a real example? Than we can have a look, how to solve the problem.

Using the same lane for different objects will make the diagram difficult to read, especially when the diagrams become very long.

But if we see the example, the problem will be more clear.



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Thomas Spitzer
2012-05-01 11:34:09 UTC
Post by Jondhale, Prasad
As I have already mentioned I have more than 100 functions in my trace log. Now suppose I start constructing MSC with first 10 functions in which function 1 calls 2, 2 calls 3....9 calls 10. After that each one returns to their caller. Now as job of these 10 functions is over, I don't want these functions to hold column space as they are not used at all, I want to delete them and position my 11th function 0n column 1. So basically what I want is fresh start of MSC after certain interval of time.
Attached is real time example(which have comment what I want)
Hi Prasad,

you should use the Trace2UML language in another way.

To explain: Trace2UML needs objects and function names. The syntax for a
call is:

<calling object> ==> <called object> <function name>

The syntax for a return is

<calling object> <== <called object> <return value>

(the return value might be empty)

For convenience you might let Trace2UML guess the caller object and

? ==> <called object> <function name>
Post by Jondhale, Prasad
<called object> <function name>
(For the convenience function you need a relativ new version. Newest
version installers you find here: http://daily.astade.de/ )

I tried to "translate" you sequence chart in a way it was intended
Post by Jondhale, Prasad
SKEL GetConfig()
Camera GetConfig()
Camera control()
ConfMng Control()
ConfMng handleMspControl()
ConfMng ctrlGet()
CamSuper ConfMngPlugin_Get()
OSAL Memcpy()

the long syntax is:

0003 ~ ==> SKEL GetConfig()
! Camera
0005 SKEL ==> Camera GetConfig()
0006 Camera ==> Camera control()
! ConfMng
0008 Camera ==> ConfMng Control()
0009 ConfMng ==> ConfMng handleMspControl()
0010 ConfMng ==> ConfMng ctrlGet()
! CamSuper
0012 ConfMng ==> CamSuper ConfMngPlugin_Get()
0014 CamSuper ==> OSAL Memcpy()
0015 CamSuper <== OSAL
0016 ConfMng <== CamSuper
0017 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0018 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0019 Camera <== ConfMng
0020 Camera <== Camera
0021 SKEL <== Camera
0022 ~ <== SKEL

which results in this picture:

This should be pretty close to what you want ;-)




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Jondhale, Prasad
2012-05-01 11:49:33 UTC
Hello Thomas,
Thanks a lot for giving your valuable time.
I add following code(code in color) to what you wrote
0003 ~ ==> SKEL GetConfig()
! Camera
0005 SKEL ==> Camera GetConfig()
0006 Camera ==> Camera control()
! ConfMng
0008 Camera ==> ConfMng Control()
0009 ConfMng ==> ConfMng handleMspControl()
0010 ConfMng ==> ConfMng ctrlGet()
! CamSuper
0012 ConfMng ==> CamSuper ConfMngPlugin_Get()
0014 CamSuper ==> OSAL Memcpy()
0015 CamSuper <== OSAL
0016 ConfMng <== CamSuper
0017 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0018 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0019 Camera <== ConfMng
0020 Camera <== Camera
0021 SKEL <== Camera
0022 ~ <== SKEL
! stub_GetConfig
! video_GetConfig
0025 stub_GetConfig ==> video_GetConfig ;
! _control2
0027 video_GetConfig ==> _control2 ;

Now it gives me output

Which is perfect except what I want stub_Getconfig(like figure below) to be on first column and all skel, camera,confmng, camsuper, osal to be deleted.(as I don’t need them after they get called first time and also as I have 100’s function I don’t want 100 columns ). Hoping you get what I want.

Once again thanks a lot .

From: Thomas Spitzer [mailto:***@consulting.astade.de]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 5:04 PM
To: ***@astade.tigris.org
Subject: RE: [usr] Regarding Trace2UML

As I have already mentioned I have more than 100 functions in my trace log. Now suppose I start constructing MSC with first 10 functions in which function 1 calls 2, 2 calls 3....9 calls 10. After that each one returns to their caller. Now as job of these 10 functions is over, I don't want these functions to hold column space as they are not used at all, I want to delete them and position my 11th function 0n column 1. So basically what I want is fresh start of MSC after certain interval of time.

Attached is real time example(which have comment what I want)

Hi Prasad,

you should use the Trace2UML language in another way.

To explain: Trace2UML needs objects and function names. The syntax for a call is:

<calling object> ==> <called object> <function name>

The syntax for a return is

<calling object> <== <called object> <return value>

(the return value might be empty)

For convenience you might let Trace2UML guess the caller object and write

? ==> <called object> <function name>
Post by Thomas Spitzer
<called object> <function name>
(For the convenience function you need a relativ new version. Newest version installers you find here: http://daily.astade.de/ )
Post by Thomas Spitzer
SKEL GetConfig()
Camera GetConfig()
Camera control()
ConfMng Control()
ConfMng handleMspControl()
ConfMng ctrlGet()
CamSuper ConfMngPlugin_Get()
OSAL Memcpy()

the long syntax is:

0003 ~ ==> SKEL GetConfig()
! Camera
0005 SKEL ==> Camera GetConfig()
0006 Camera ==> Camera control()
! ConfMng
0008 Camera ==> ConfMng Control()
0009 ConfMng ==> ConfMng handleMspControl()
0010 ConfMng ==> ConfMng ctrlGet()
! CamSuper
0012 ConfMng ==> CamSuper ConfMngPlugin_Get()
0014 CamSuper ==> OSAL Memcpy()
0015 CamSuper <== OSAL
0016 ConfMng <== CamSuper
0017 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0018 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0019 Camera <== ConfMng
0020 Camera <== Camera
0021 SKEL <== Camera
0022 ~ <== SKEL

which results in this picture:


This should be pretty close to what you want ;-)




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Thomas Spitzer
2012-05-01 12:12:47 UTC
Post by Jondhale, Prasad
0025 stub_GetConfig ==> video_GetConfig ;
What does this mean, in you opinion?

In fact it means, that a class named "stub_GetConfig" ist calling the
function named ";" in the class named "video_GetConfig".

I guess you want to express, that the class named "stub" ist calling the
function named "GetConfig" in the class named "stub".

than the correct syntax in Trace2UML would be:

stub ==> stub GetConfig

(And there is no semicolon at all)

And, yes, Trace2UML gives each object its own lane (lifeline).

But it seems for me, that you mix up classes and functions? What program
language do you use for your project?




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Jondhale, Prasad
2012-05-01 12:19:54 UTC
I am really sorry for mixing classes and functions.
I have 100's of classes(previously I said functions) in my code so I want after each 10 classes(or objects) are printed new class should be on new column.
BTW I am using c++.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Spitzer [mailto:t.spitzer-sQvDcPvFtuYByEq3+***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 5:43 PM
To: users-HcrAt6aCZFAWBrYXtHbyV9i2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: RE: [usr] Regarding Trace2UML
Post by Jondhale, Prasad
0025 stub_GetConfig ==> video_GetConfig ;
What does this mean, in you opinion?

In fact it means, that a class named "stub_GetConfig" ist calling the
function named ";" in the class named "video_GetConfig".

I guess you want to express, that the class named "stub" ist calling the
function named "GetConfig" in the class named "stub".

than the correct syntax in Trace2UML would be:

stub ==> stub GetConfig

(And there is no semicolon at all)

And, yes, Trace2UML gives each object its own lane (lifeline).

But it seems for me, that you mix up classes and functions? What program
language do you use for your project?




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Anders Larsen
2012-05-01 17:33:08 UTC
Hi Thomas,
Post by Thomas Spitzer
And, yes, Trace2UML gives each object its own lane (lifeline).
I still think we could improve that part.

Consider an application that often creates and deletes some objects;
IMHO the sequence diagram would become more readable if the lifelines
of deleted objects are re-used for fresh objects later.
As it is now the diagram will forever become wider as it grows longer...



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Thomas Spitzer
2012-05-01 19:57:49 UTC
Post by Anders Larsen
As it is now the diagram will forever become wider as it grows
Not that bad. If the new Object has the same name as a deleted one, the line is reused.

To change Trace2UML to reuse in any case might only be a small modification.

But you may have some side effects in handling the status line correct and with the "edit" function.

Anyhow it will not help here, because delete is not used, yet.



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Anders Larsen
2012-05-01 20:37:47 UTC
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Post by Anders Larsen
As it is now the diagram will forever become wider as it grows
Not that bad. If the new Object has the same name as a deleted one, the line is reused.
there's a minor optical bug here - if a new object with the same name
is created immediately after the old one is deleted, the new "object
head" will hide the deletion X.
If you put a comment line in between, all is well however.

But since our trace macros prefixes the object name with the address
(which _will_ change), for all practical purposes the lifeline will
never be re-used.
Post by Thomas Spitzer
To change Trace2UML to reuse in any case might only be a small
that's what I was hoping for
Post by Thomas Spitzer
But you may have some side effects in handling the status line correct
and with the "edit" function.
yeah, there would no longer be a 1:1 relationship between objects and
coloumns, so we'd have to create a new, dynamic "object storage"
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Anyhow it will not help here, because delete is not used, yet.
and perhaps the modification wouldn't be so simple after all.



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Jondhale, Prasad
2012-05-02 04:32:10 UTC
So what could be the conclusion???
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Not that bad. If the new Object has the same name as a deleted one,
the line is reused
In my case new Object will never have same name as older one.
Post by Thomas Spitzer
To change Trace2UML to reuse in any case might only be a small
Is it doable??
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Anyhow it will not help here, because delete is not used, yet.
Are you willing to provide delete object(column) option??



-----Original Message-----
From: Anders Larsen [mailto:alarsen-jqHnx1hy4Dsdnm+***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 2:08 AM
To: users-HcrAt6aCZFAWBrYXtHbyV9i2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [usr] Regarding Trace2UML
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Post by Anders Larsen
As it is now the diagram will forever become wider as it grows
Not that bad. If the new Object has the same name as a deleted one, the line is reused.
there's a minor optical bug here - if a new object with the same name
is created immediately after the old one is deleted, the new "object
head" will hide the deletion X.
If you put a comment line in between, all is well however.

But since our trace macros prefixes the object name with the address
(which _will_ change), for all practical purposes the lifeline will
never be re-used.
Post by Thomas Spitzer
To change Trace2UML to reuse in any case might only be a small
that's what I was hoping for
Post by Thomas Spitzer
But you may have some side effects in handling the status line correct
and with the "edit" function.
yeah, there would no longer be a 1:1 relationship between objects and
coloumns, so we'd have to create a new, dynamic "object storage"
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Anyhow it will not help here, because delete is not used, yet.
and perhaps the modification wouldn't be so simple after all.



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Thomas Spitzer
2012-05-02 04:49:17 UTC
Post by Jondhale, Prasad
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Anyhow it will not help here, because delete is not used, yet.
Are you willing to provide delete object(column) option??
There is already a delete. But in the example we see that you do not use it.
So even if we would change the program, you will not have a benefit, until you change your trace and use the delete.


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Jondhale, Prasad
2012-05-02 04:53:05 UTC
I don't see any delete option in the help file. Except destroy (x) object and destroy does not free column.
If delete option is there then pls let me know how to use it.

Following is my help file
; lines starting with ';' are comments. They are not drawn.
# lines starting with '#' are visible comments. They are drawn with a horizontal line.
! this is used to notify the existence of an object (the creation is not in the scope of the trace).
This is automatically inserted when you use an object name not mentioned before.
(!) this is used to notify an object creation.
(X) this is used to notify an object deletion.
-- this is used to notify an asynchronous message send.
--> this is used to notify an asynchronous message receive.
-> this is a shortcut when typing traces by hand.
Creates both an asynchronous message send and a corresponding message receive.
==> this is used to notify a synchronous function call.
If you leave out the caller (type "???") it will be replaced.
<== this is used to notify a synchronous function return.
If you leave out the caller (type "???") it will be replaced.
If you leave out the called (type "???") it will be replaced.
ret(#) is an alternative way to notify a synchronous function return.
# has to be the event number of the corresponding synchronous fuction call.
you may even write "ret" only, the corresponding call is searched.
Post by Thomas Spitzer
this is used to notify a state change.
note: this is used to add a "note" to an object.
... a line with only 3 dots is drawn as an "interrupton".
[...] everything set into square brackets is treated as user data.
It stays in the trace line without having any effect on the graphics.
You can use it for timestamps or remarks.
{...} everything in curly bracket is treated as thread ID (when replacing "???")

for call and return there is another shortcut: you can write ">" and "<".

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Spitzer [mailto:t.spitzer-sQvDcPvFtuYByEq3+***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 10:19 AM
To: users-HcrAt6aCZFAWBrYXtHbyV9i2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [usr] Regarding Trace2UML
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Anyhow it will not help here, because delete is not used, yet.
Are you willing to provide delete object(column) option??
There is already a delete. But in the example we see that you do not use it.
So even if we would change the program, you will not have a benefit, until you change your trace and use the delete.


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Jondhale, Prasad
2012-05-03 09:07:00 UTC

Pls let me know whether there is delete object option or not???

To draw MSC for my project I studied lot of MSC tools like mscgen, LATEX etc..etc. I found Trace2UML most useful because of following reasons
Simple syntax

I feel it lacks following features like
==>Page breaks(meaning to break large diagram into different pages)- Actually I found one bug here that if diagram beyond certain height "print as PNG" does not work at all and also "print as PDF" prints pdf but which is not viewable.
==>Delete object(Dynamic nature)

If above features added Trace2UML will be one of the best tool to draw MSC


-----Original Message-----
From: Anders Larsen [mailto:alarsen-jqHnx1hy4Dsdnm+***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 2:08 AM
To: users-HcrAt6aCZFAWBrYXtHbyV9i2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [usr] Regarding Trace2UML
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Post by Anders Larsen
As it is now the diagram will forever become wider as it grows
Not that bad. If the new Object has the same name as a deleted one, the line is reused.
there's a minor optical bug here - if a new object with the same name
is created immediately after the old one is deleted, the new "object
head" will hide the deletion X.
If you put a comment line in between, all is well however.

But since our trace macros prefixes the object name with the address
(which _will_ change), for all practical purposes the lifeline will
never be re-used.
Post by Thomas Spitzer
To change Trace2UML to reuse in any case might only be a small
that's what I was hoping for
Post by Thomas Spitzer
But you may have some side effects in handling the status line correct
and with the "edit" function.
yeah, there would no longer be a 1:1 relationship between objects and
coloumns, so we'd have to create a new, dynamic "object storage"
Post by Thomas Spitzer
Anyhow it will not help here, because delete is not used, yet.
and perhaps the modification wouldn't be so simple after all.



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Thomas Spitzer
2012-05-03 16:44:33 UTC
Post by Jondhale, Prasad
Pls let me know whether there is delete object option or not???
You already mentioned it. It's (X) which deletes a lifeline. But this will not totally solve your problem, because the line will only be used for objects of the same name.


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Thomas Spitzer
2012-05-03 17:03:39 UTC
Post by Jondhale, Prasad
To draw MSC for my project I studied lot of MSC tools like mscgen
If you compare Trace2UML with mscgen, than you must consisder, that mscgen is mostly a drawing tool, where you simply specify graphical objects.

Trace2UML works different. It knows about objects, threads and callstacks. Therfore it's much easier to generate a trace in that format (e.g. you don't need to specify the caller).

But on the other hand you are limitted in what you you can draw. It must be something a real program would do!
(e.g. when an object exists, it does not diappear unless destroyed (X))

In your example you use macgen syntax to generate Trace2UML diagrams, with poor results.

Try to understand how it works, first. Maybe we can explain, why it is good that way. After that we can see, weather it is useful for you.


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Jondhale, Prasad
2012-05-04 05:01:35 UTC
Thanks a lot for giving valuable time...

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Spitzer [mailto:t.spitzer-sQvDcPvFtuYByEq3+***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 10:34 PM
To: users-HcrAt6aCZFAWBrYXtHbyV9i2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [usr] Regarding Trace2UML
Post by Jondhale, Prasad
To draw MSC for my project I studied lot of MSC tools like mscgen
If you compare Trace2UML with mscgen, than you must consisder, that mscgen is mostly a drawing tool, where you simply specify graphical objects.

Trace2UML works different. It knows about objects, threads and callstacks. Therfore it's much easier to generate a trace in that format (e.g. you don't need to specify the caller).

But on the other hand you are limitted in what you you can draw. It must be something a real program would do!
(e.g. when an object exists, it does not diappear unless destroyed (X))

In your example you use macgen syntax to generate Trace2UML diagrams, with poor results.

Try to understand how it works, first. Maybe we can explain, why it is good that way. After that we can see, weather it is useful for you.


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Thomas Spitzer
2012-05-01 12:17:34 UTC
(as I don’t need them after they get called first time...
You know that, but Trace2UML don't.
It would be pretty correct, when you call these objects later on.
So we need something, to tell Trace2UML to start a new file. But we have
this already, simply write your different traces in different files.
Would this solve the problem?


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Jondhale, Prasad
2012-05-01 12:26:48 UTC
Post by Thomas Spitzer
It would be pretty correct, when you call these objects later on.
I know that I wont need these objects at all and also even if it needed I have thousands of logs and if object 1(at column 1) is needed at trace no. 1000 then it would be better for me to redraw it rather using column 1.
Post by Thomas Spitzer
simply write your different traces in different files
Its not possible. For every 20 lines of log if I create a file then I would end up having 100's of files. Also I will need to break my traces into different files. It would be better if there is way to tell Trace2UML to completely destroy object(class) and free that column position to be reused.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Spitzer [mailto:***@consulting.astade.de]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 5:48 PM
To: ***@astade.tigris.org
Subject: RE: [usr] Regarding Trace2UML
Post by Thomas Spitzer
(as I don’t need them after they get called first time...
You know that, but Trace2UML don't.
It would be pretty correct, when you call these objects later on.
So we need something, to tell Trace2UML to start a new file. But we have
this already, simply write your different traces in different files.
Would this solve the problem?


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