Hello Thomas,
Thanks a lot for giving your valuable time.
I add following code(code in color) to what you wrote
0003 ~ ==> SKEL GetConfig()
! Camera
0005 SKEL ==> Camera GetConfig()
0006 Camera ==> Camera control()
! ConfMng
0008 Camera ==> ConfMng Control()
0009 ConfMng ==> ConfMng handleMspControl()
0010 ConfMng ==> ConfMng ctrlGet()
! CamSuper
0012 ConfMng ==> CamSuper ConfMngPlugin_Get()
0014 CamSuper ==> OSAL Memcpy()
0015 CamSuper <== OSAL
0016 ConfMng <== CamSuper
0017 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0018 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0019 Camera <== ConfMng
0020 Camera <== Camera
0021 SKEL <== Camera
0022 ~ <== SKEL
! stub_GetConfig
! video_GetConfig
0025 stub_GetConfig ==> video_GetConfig ;
! _control2
0027 video_GetConfig ==> _control2 ;
Now it gives me output
Which is perfect except what I want stub_Getconfig(like figure below) to be on first column and all skel, camera,confmng, camsuper, osal to be deleted.(as I donât need them after they get called first time and also as I have 100âs function I donât want 100 columns ). Hoping you get what I want.
Once again thanks a lot .
From: Thomas Spitzer [mailto:***@consulting.astade.de]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 5:04 PM
To: ***@astade.tigris.org
Subject: RE: [usr] Regarding Trace2UML
As I have already mentioned I have more than 100 functions in my trace log. Now suppose I start constructing MSC with first 10 functions in which function 1 calls 2, 2 calls 3....9 calls 10. After that each one returns to their caller. Now as job of these 10 functions is over, I don't want these functions to hold column space as they are not used at all, I want to delete them and position my 11th function 0n column 1. So basically what I want is fresh start of MSC after certain interval of time.
Attached is real time example(which have comment what I want)
Hi Prasad,
you should use the Trace2UML language in another way.
To explain: Trace2UML needs objects and function names. The syntax for a call is:
<calling object> ==> <called object> <function name>
The syntax for a return is
<calling object> <== <called object> <return value>
(the return value might be empty)
For convenience you might let Trace2UML guess the caller object and write
? ==> <called object> <function name>
Post by Thomas Spitzer<called object> <function name>
(For the convenience function you need a relativ new version. Newest version installers you find here: http://daily.astade.de/ )
Post by Thomas SpitzerSKEL GetConfig()
Camera GetConfig()
Camera control()
ConfMng Control()
ConfMng handleMspControl()
ConfMng ctrlGet()
CamSuper ConfMngPlugin_Get()
OSAL Memcpy()
the long syntax is:
0003 ~ ==> SKEL GetConfig()
! Camera
0005 SKEL ==> Camera GetConfig()
0006 Camera ==> Camera control()
! ConfMng
0008 Camera ==> ConfMng Control()
0009 ConfMng ==> ConfMng handleMspControl()
0010 ConfMng ==> ConfMng ctrlGet()
! CamSuper
0012 ConfMng ==> CamSuper ConfMngPlugin_Get()
0014 CamSuper ==> OSAL Memcpy()
0015 CamSuper <== OSAL
0016 ConfMng <== CamSuper
0017 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0018 ConfMng <== ConfMng
0019 Camera <== ConfMng
0020 Camera <== Camera
0021 SKEL <== Camera
0022 ~ <== SKEL
which results in this picture:
This should be pretty close to what you want ;-)
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